"Checkmate" in Chess
So we know that a King is in check when he is under attack. But what is checkmate?
Checkmate Definition: When a King is in check, and he has no way to escape check, it is checkmate. When a player is checkmated, he loses.
The diagram to the right shows a simple checkmate position. The black King is in check, and there is no way for him to escape:
- The black King has no safe square to escape.
- There is no way to capture to checking piece.
- There is no piece to block the check.
Becuase black is checkmated, white wins.
"Stalemate" in Chess
It's important to understand the difference between Checkmate and Stalemate.
Stalemate Definition: When it a player is not in check, and has no legal move on his turn, it is stalemate. Stalemate ends the game in a draw or tie.
The diagram to the right shows a simple stalemate position. Black's King is not in check, and he has no legal move. The black pawns are blockaded, and can't move. Any King move would put the King into check.