Chess Notation Explained (Part 2)
Castling is represented by the following symbols:
O-O = Kingside castle
O-O-O = Queenside castle
Pawn Promotion
When a Pawn moves to the last rank it is promoted. The symbol for the chosen promotion piece is placed after the move.
Example: c8Q. This means that a Pawn was moved to c8, and the Pawn was promoted to a Queen.
Check and Checkmate
When check or checkmate is given, a symbol is placed after the move.
+ = check
# = checkmate.
Example: Qb3+. This means that the Queen has moved to the b3 square and placed the enemy King in check.
Another example: Qb3#. This means that the Queen has moved to the b3 square and checkmated the enemy King.
Ambiguous Moves
Occasionally, two or more pieces of the same type are able to move to the same square. Take the move Re5 for example. If there was a rook at d5 and another rook at f5, then we need to show which one made the move. This is done by placing a character after the piece symbol.
The file of the moving piece can be used. Example: Rde5. This indicates that the rook on the d file moved to e5.
The rank can be used. Example: N1f3. This indicates that a knight on the first row moved to f3.
The file method is the preferred choice, but sometimes the rank method must be used. In rare circumstances, the file and rank can both be used if required.
End of the Game
At the end of the game, a sign is given to indicate the winner.
1-0 = White wins
0-1 = Black wins
1/2-1/2 = Draw
Other Symbols
! = Good move
? = Mistake
!? = An interesting move that is probably good.
?! = An interesting move that is probably bad.
A Full Game
A famous game described with algebraic notation is presented below. Try playing the game out for yourself!
The Opera Game - Paul Morphy vs. Duke of Braunschweig and Count Isouard, Paris, 1858The game was played in a Paris opera theatre between American Master Paul Morphy and two strong amateurs. The game is considered to be a must-read for chess enthusiasts and students.
1. e4 e5
2. Nf3 d6
3. d4 Bg4?
4. dxe5 Bxf3
5. Qxf3 dxe5
6. Bc4 Nf6
7. Qb3! Qe7
8. Nc3! c6
9. Bg5 b5?
10. Nxb5! cxb5?
11. Bxb5+ Nbd7
12. O-O-O Rd8
13. Rxd7! Rxd7
14. Rd1 Qe6
15. Bxd7+ Nxd7
16. Qb8+! Nxb8
17. Rd8#