Chess Openings - The Vienna Game
From the Open Game (1. e4 e5), the quiet advance of the Queen's Knight, 2. Nc3, is the opening known as the Vienna Game. Typically, this leads to a slower game without an early struggle. However, by keeping the f pawn unblocked, white leaves the possibility of the sudden surge: f4. This can lead into some heated situations similar to that seen in the King's Gambit.
How Common is the Vienna Game?
Uncommon at Novice Level
Rare at Master Level
Out of the Open Game, white will follow up with the Vienna Game about 5% of the time. The opening is more often seen at lower levels.
The f Pawn Theme
The King's Gambit, Bishop's Opening and Vienna Game share a common theme: the f pawn advance. White has the option of pursuing quiet lines in the Bishop's and Vienna - but he also holds a powerful weapon with f4.