Chess Openings - The Bishop's Opening
Out of the Open Game (1. e4 e5), white can play the Bishop's Opening - another very old opening. White advances his bishop, 2. Bc4, with an attack on black's weak f7 square. A key element to the opening is that white's f pawn remains unblocked. This leaves open the possibility of an attack on the centre with f4 - a similar thrust to that seen in the King's Gambit.
2. Bc4 does not pose an immediate threat to black, and he is free to respond as he sees fit. The Bishop's Opening is usually not seen in master level chess. However, it is perfectly sound and should not be dismissed.
How Common is the Bishop's Opening?
Uncommon at Novice Level
Rare at Master Level
From the Open Game, white plays into the Bishop's Game about 5% of the time. The opening is more often seen at lower levels.