Chess Openings - Petrov Defense
In response to the King's Knight Opening (1. e4 e5 2. Nf3), The Petrov Defense is another alternative to 2... Nc6. It is characterized by the symmetrical counter-attack 2... Nf6. The opening is named after Alexander Petrov, the first great Russian master. Petrov was the first player to analyze this defense.
The opening is a counterattack in its most basic, symmetrical form. Despite it's flashy appearance, the defense is actually a very steady, drawish continuation. Black is attempting to equalize the game with his counterattack, while white maintains the option to trade down to a symmetrical endgame.How Common is the Petrov Defense?
Common at all Levels
Although not extremely popular, the opening is still common in master level play. Expect to see the Petrov Defense in about 10% of games.