Chess Piece Safety - Exercises Page 2
It is white to move in each exercise. Each exercise poses a potential move for white. You must decide if the move is safe.
Exercise 6
White is considering the aggressive move Qh5. This would threaten to capture the unprotected black pawn on e5, and threaten Qxf7 checkmate. Is Qh5 safe?
Exercise 7
White sees that she can play Ra8+ ... and it looks like checkmate too! Let's take a closer look. Is Ra8+ safe?
Exercise 8
White sees that the black Knight on b5 is unprotected. Is Qxb5 safe?
Ex 1: No! 1. Qh5 hangs the Queen, leading to 1... Nxh5. White has lost his Queen for nothing!
Ex 2: No! 1. Ra8+ hangs the Rook, leading to 1... Bxa8. Black can just capture the white rook to avoid checkmate.
Ex 3: Yes! 1. Qxb5 wins a knight.