Chess Back Rank Checkmates - Exercises Page 2
In these next problems, we'll take a look at various game positions. In each case, white can play a forced tactical sequence that leads to mate on the back rank. Each position will involve one or more of the themes from the last page.
Exercise 6
Exercise 7
Exercise 8
Ex 6: White mates with 1. Rxb8+ Bxb8 2. Rc8#. The key here is playing Rxb8 first, before Rc8.
Ex 7: Drive the King back and overpower the back rank. 1. Qe7+! Kg8 2. Qe8+ Rxe8 3. Rxe8#.
Ex 8: First, remove the defending b7 Bishop. 1. Ra8+! Bxa8 (or 1... Bd8 2. Rxd8#). Now, white can bring in his other Rook: 2. Rc8+ Bd8 (useless interposition) 3. Rxd8#.